Take The 70 Degree Pledge
When the morning temperature at Mio Dam is 70 degrees or more then I will not fish for trout on that stretch of the Au Sable River, Mio to Alcona Pond. If I choose to fish that day, it will be on other streams with cooler water, further downstream for warm water fish such as smallmouth bass, or on the many lakes in the area. If I catch a trout I will let it go immediately. When the temperatures fall below 70 degrees at Mio Dam I may consider fishing the stretch again, but will do it early in the morning, at twilight, and at night. I will use a thermometer to fish runs with cooler water so the trout have a better chance at surviving catch and release. I recognize that this is a necessary practice during the hottest part of the summer, late June through mid August, and I am helping the fishery when I do it.